... Crocheting sets of little slippers for the Central Ohio Binky Patrol... I guess they would fit a Toddler. It takes about 45 minutes to make a set...;-)
I'm still working on the blanket for C.O.B.P....... I just have too many other things going on to finish it right now.
... Almost empty? ... It has nothing to do with Cooking & Baking for Christmas... Nope... it has something to do with a big storm coming this way..." Sunday Evening"... this is just Friday...
...Just imagine what kind of stampede Krogers and other stores will have to contend with ONSunday...
...Does it get REAL crazy around where you live when the wordSNOW is whispered about?
... Yes... I'm one of those people that loves the first snow!!! It's not amounting to anything.... But they say on Saturday we should have accumulating snow.
... We have been cleaning out the basement... Talk about junk!!! I didn't know we had half of that stuff...
I'm a Housewife & Mom. I have been happily married 35 years & going strong. :-)
We live in Ohio not far from Cincinnati. Our son is 33. He works for the Army Corp Of Engineers(Gov't) We're very proud of him.
Then comes Sissy.( Maltese) Our little Girl. She is 14... but she is in Heaven. You may hear her name once in awhile.
I enjoy Crocheting & Quilting, but I also like Cooking, Reading, Music, Family & Friends.