My Kitchen, Quilting & My Hook And I

My Kitchen, Quilting & My Hook And I

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Less Tears...

Give this a try when you cut onions...

Prevent tears while cutting onions. Spear a piece of stale bread with your knife and slide it up to the end of the blade near the handle. The bread absorbs most of the "vapors."

~ Susan

Sunrise, Sunset

... No, not the song from the " The Fiddler On The Roof "... Although I do love that movie!

I'm talking about this... Go to the link I pasted here and put in your City & State & Zip Code and get when you have your sunrise & sunset..:-)

We're having another warm day here. ( Ohio) In the 60's!

Seasons of 2012:
SPRING EQUINOX - March 20, 1:14 A.M. EDT

SUMMER SOLSTICE - June 20, 7:09 P.M. EDT

FALL EQUINOX - September 22, 10:49 A.M. EDT

WINTER SOLSTICE - December 21, 6:12 A.M. EST

Seasons of 2013:

SPRING EQUINOX - March 20, 7:02 A.M. EDT

SUMMER SOLSTICE - June 21, 1:04 A.M. EDT

FALL EQUINOX - September 22, 4:44 P.M. EDT

WINTER SOLSTICE - December 21, 12:11 P.M. EST

~ Susan

Monday, January 30, 2012


... Yes, I'm still here people. Just busy at other things. Such as re modeling..;-) love it! I'm not checking out Tiles.... I had no idea there were so many!!!

Right now I'm looking at this... But I'm pretty sure we'll more.

I like Gray & Plum... Those are my colors. The ones above are Gray & Black. A but too plain for me. I need those Plum & lavender shades.

~ Susan

Monday, January 23, 2012

Long Time No See..;-)

... I thought it was about time I checked in...:-) Yes... my blog has survived my absence...

Not much happening in the crochet spectrum of life....


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Did You Ever...

... have at least 2 projects sitting by your chair and you just don't have the gumption to finish it yet? That is the rut I'm in...

You should hear the wind around here!!! All of this wind is supposwde to bring in cold weather. I kind of liked the 50's we had overnight! It's more like Spring then winter!!! ..:-) But that nice Spring weather did this...

A small lake in the backyard...:-(

... from the sounds of it, my washer needs to be emptied in a few minutes.. When it comes to the middle of the cycle, it sounds like a TRAIN!!!

~ Susan

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Have You Seen This?

...Please take a look at this... I just heard about it on the news. One day I stay away from my laptop and look what happens...:-(

I have included a story on it from

~ Susan

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Do You Remember...

... Do you remember the Milk Man???

...Today, January 11th, is Milk Day, which marks the first day in history that
bottled milk was delivered to homes.

~ Susan

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fill In The Spaces

... At the moment our closet is at a stand still til this weekend... we just need to FILL IN THE SPACE in the middle. It will be SHELVES, DRAWERS & a few BASKETS.

...At the moment I seem to be on a Reading and Cooking binge... I just finished a light read called " An Amish Christmas" by Cynthia Keller. If you ever thought today's kids are Rude & Spolied... read this. I didn't READ it, I got it on an AUDIO CD ... I listened to this as I was cooking. Very Easy to follow since it's what I call a light read.

...My fingers ( right hand fore finger has Arthritis) don't want to co operate. My Dr. gave me Celebrex and it doesn't do much. If anyone has this problem, please let me know how you control the pain and still crochet. ( So I can start crocheting again.)

...We may be getting a new horse. This one will be a Quarter Horse. He has 69 wins. But first we have to find out if he's still available.

....The weather is nice today... but tomorrow they rain is coming and the temperatures are dropping.... Maybe winter will finally seem more like WINTER.

~ Susan

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Making Tracks...

In our new closet that is... We're using " Closet Maid" from Home Depot.

~ Susan

Friday, January 6, 2012

Warm In January???

... It was so warm today, I opened the Bay Window... Up to 64 degrees today!

~ Susan

Design Problems...

... Has anyone here ever tried to design or set up the inside of a closet? I'm stuck...

We want 2 DOUBLE HANGING units

Drawers AND Shelves

1 medium Hanging Unit

1 Tall Hanging Unit

We looked on the internet for closet deisigns and closet plans... WOW... I had no idea it costs so much!

If you know of a site I can look at, or if you know of a store we can go to & look these... PLEASE let us know.

~ Susan

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Good Evening !!!

... Just to let you know I'm still here... I want to work on our closet some more, but the weather is too nice to want to stay inside... I think it's also the last week for gun season.(hunting)... So I'm pretty sure Hubby will be hunting and not working on the closet.

This is how it looks now. But I'm having a hard time deciding what I want inside. How many drawers, shelves & hanging sections for clothing.

~ Susan

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year Everyone !!!

... Have fun today but be careful..:-)

Look what has been going with our new closet...

But we still have to put up all of the rods, shelving, drawers etc... When that is done, you'll also get a picture of it.( Just ignore the messes you see there.)

~ Susan