Hi Everyone!
This evening sure is cool out. Paul even built a fire in the fireplace. It took care of the chill.
I fixed chili... that was good. I'll have to start preparing Spring / Summer recipes soon.
I got this in an e-mail and just had to share it.
> A little boy got on the bus, sat next to a man reading a book, and noticed > he had his collar on backwards.
The little boy asked why he wore his collar backwards. The man, who was a priest, said, 'I am a Father.'
> The little boy replied, 'My Daddy doesn't wear his collar like that.' The priest looked up from his book and answered, ''I am the Father of > many.'
The boy said, ''My Dad has 4 boys, 4 girls and two grandchildren and he > doesn't wear his collar that way!'
The priest, getting impatient, said. 'I am the Father of hundreds', and > went back to reading his book.
The little boy sat quietly thinking for a while, then leaned over and > said, "Maybe you should wear a condom, and put your pants on backwards > instead of your collar."
Nighty Night!!!
~ Susan
From The Quilting Quarters!
3 hours ago
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