My Kitchen, Quilting & My Hook And I

My Kitchen, Quilting & My Hook And I

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Another Yankee Candle Deal!!!

Here you go!!!

It's 10 dollars off of 25 dollar purchase or more.

~ Susan


  1. Love those candles. Have one going right now... icks...thanks for reminding to blow it out before heading up to bed.

  2. Glad you can use it...:-) I love those also... I kind iof like the Home Sweet Home lately. I want to try the jasmine sometime.

    ~ Susan

  3. Email me with your email address. I have something to send you...

  4. I'm signing off for now. When you get this just go to my blog and look on the upper left-hand sidebar. There is a blog button for your blog there. You can right click on it and save it to your computer and post it in your blog if you like it.

    You may have to reinsert the link information to your blog so when someone clicks on it, it will take them to your blog.

  5. Pammy!

    THANK YOU!!! Love It!!!

    ~ Susan
